Phil’s Blog

Disce, ludere, creare. Soli Deo gloria.

  • Fit for Forty

    This is a post which I’ve had brewing in the back of my mind since September. This year marks the end of my 3rd decade, September will be my 40th birthday the end of what has turned out to be quite a hard decade. A look in the mirror and I can see how hard…

  • Trying again

    One of my aims for this year is to try and develop some more healthy foundations or habits in my life. For many years now I’ve wanted to blog more regularly like I did in the very early days of discovering what the small web could be. It was a place of individuals sharing their…

  • The Royal Mint has released its designs for a new set of coins, the first since the accession of King Charles. I think they are an outstanding piece of design.

  • Derek Kedziora neatly sums up The Hidden Complexity of Static Sites and why I decided to move back to WordPress. It’s just easier and integrates with a lot things without having to jump through a load of hoops.

  • I’ve begun the long process of adding in some of my old posts from previous iterations of this site. My apologies if this triggers a load of posts in your RSS. I’m working backwards, and I’ve now added all the posts from 2023 and 2022. It will be a slow process as I’ve decided to…

  • These photos from 2023 Ocean Photographer of the Year competition are amazing. I particularly like the one of the polar bear and the hump back whale but all of them show fascinating glimpses into the life of the ocean.

  • It’s been about one month since I restarted my blog back on WordPress. I say restarted rather than moved because so far I’ve yet to add all my old posts to the archive, something I still plan to do, but which I’ve yet to find the time for. The change was triggered by a combination…

  • A few months ago I came across a blog that has been a mainstay in my RSS feeds ever since. I enjoy each and every post for the simple reason that it is the only place to find them and the thoughts of the author. He is introducing a new series called People and Blogs…

  • Label Craft by Jordan Bell is a fantastic little piece of the internet I stumbled across while having my morning coffee. It’s a preservation of craft beer labels removed from cans. I particularly like the label from Transmitter Brewing, and the accompanying Flickr gallery.

  • I will always be fascinated by the tools people use, whenever someone posts to their blog with a tour of their desk, office, or a list of the tools they use it’s an instant read. This one from Devon Dundee is no different. Maybe I should write my own version.  

  • brr

    I really enjoying reading things about daily life from people living in unusual parts of the world. So this perfectly titled blog (brr) about life at the South Pole fits the bill. An instant addition to my RSS feeds. (Via Robin Rendle)

  • I’ve a long standing interest in the power of habits and what they can help us accomplish. Oddly I’d never considered the impact of bad habits, but in a post on his blog Chris talks about a recent process he went through in listing out his bad habits. It’s a really interesting idea, something I’ll…

  • Kern Type

    Once in a while the internet pops up a great little typography game. This time around it’s called Kern Type and is an addictive challenge to correct the kerning of random words.

  • I really like blog posts that give a behind the scenes for design changes. I’ve just written an internal post for my work on the reasoning I’ve made changes to a key part of our user experience. This is an interesting look at the effect of a new icon design for Foodnoms has increased downloads.…

  • This is a rather concerning piece of research. I hadn’t considered this angle of decentralised social media services. One thing that the large corps have is resources and urgency to tackle things like this.

  • When I started this site, I was just a 19-year-old looking to have fun on the internet. After all the twists and turns, I’ve come back around to a very similar place. Now, I’m a 31-year-old who’s still looking to have fun on the internet, share my thoughts and experiences, and make friends. That’s what…

  • This is a fascinating read that presents the idea that calendars should be multi layered. We tend to think of calendars as 2D grids with mutually exclusive blocks of time, but as this example shows, not all events automatically cancel each other out. Depending on their characteristics, they can be layered on top of each…

  • Back on WordPress. It’s been a few years and many attempts to revitalise my blog, but I’ve decided to move back to WordPress. The ease of posting from any device using apps has trumped everything else. Things will be a bit rough over the next few days and weeks as I get old posts back…

  • I’ve been looking at some of the things Google announced this week. Whilst some of the things are quite interesting – like the Pixel Tablet and stand – others are just plain puzzling. I understand that Google was is trying to flex and show off their AI abilities, the new Magic Editor that they announced…

  • Adding tags

    This post was written when this blog was based on Jekyll before I moved back to WordPress. I have kept it as part of the history of this blog. It’s taken me a long time with lots of googling and trial & error, but I finally have tags working on this site. Out of the…

  • For the last few years 99% of my personal computing has been handled on the iPad Pro. For the most part it was ok. Sometimes I would need to jump through some hoops to do things and occasionally I would fall back on my work Mac. The only item that has suffered in that time…

  • I’ve been feeling the desire to create more since the start of the year. I’m not sure if it’s just because it’s a new year which often brings with it a fresh vigour or whether it’s seeing some people I know have their artwork displayed in a local gallery. It creates a spark in me.…

  • Over the last few weeks I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about social media and the open (indie) web. As people are fleeing Twitter and flocking towards Mastodon in an attempt to find a new way of doing social media some of the things that social media gets right keep cropping up in my…

  • The last few years has seen the prolific rise of the content creator the people who create content for other people to consume. I dislike this phrase. I don’t like it for a few reasons, but the primary one is I don’t consume content and I hate to break it to you, but neither do…

  • For the best part of the last year I’ve been all in on Obsidian for my note taking. I’ve enjoyed writing in it, seeing it evolve, and playing with it’s theming engine (a bit too much sometimes) but recently I’ve been finding a few issues that have been getting under my skin. The experience of…