Finding a new home for my blog
I’m trying out a new way of getting myself back to blogging. I miss it a great deal but I always find myself not posting when I am not happy with my setup or design of my site. So I’ve decided to try out a new thing.
For a long time my social posting, or micro-blogging, has taken place on I share small posts, photos, some links, whatever takes my fancy and whenever I feel like posting. It has worked well for me. It let’s me have my own domain ( and works with the wider web both through federation and because it’s a normal website. My main personal site, or Macro blog if you will, has been hosted elsewhere. Since Wordpress got complicated and became more a CMS than a blogging engine it’s moved around a few times. Not long ago I landed back on Wordpress in an attempt to find something familiar. It didn’t work and my blog fell quiet once again.
Life is seasonal and so is blogging or writing in a public space, but of late I’ve felt that itch to find a way to build a personal site. So I’ve decided to host my Macro blog on to see if it gives me the impetus to build something that’s my own again. I plan to spend some time writing here, trying to understand the theming engine and how I can build my own design. I want to add pages for things I use and read, maybe my portfolio can find a home here as well. I feel like this is a good fit for me at the moment. I have a fresh file in Figma which I’m slowly crafting a new design in, and hope to begin translating that to code soon.
I’ve started to try and customise things already, and for the first time on my blog I’ve switched to a one post a page system. I’ve seen it work well on other sites and I like that it makes each entry feel individual as well as part of a whole. Almost like chapters in a book (which might give you a hint as to the direction my design is heading). For now we will see how I get on, and hope that I have landed on a space that I can make my own.