









ab test











Mental health











social media




: A morning wondering when we stopped dressing nice I sat and watched the world go by this morning whilst enjoying a delicious cup of coffee. It was …

: Finding a new home for my blog I’m trying out a new way of getting myself back to blogging. I miss it a great deal but I always …

: My WWDC 2024 wishes I don’t do these posts very often. In fact, it’s been many years since I wrote something like this, …

: For the love of the game There’s a strange pressure that comes with blogging which is created entirely by me. When I first …

: Moving from Obsidian to Bear Over the last year or so, if not longer, I’ve been dissatisfied with my writing and note taking …

: Fit for Forty This is a post which I’ve had brewing in the back of my mind since September. This year marks the …

: Trying again One of my aims for this year is to try and develop some more healthy foundations or habits in my …

: Adding the archive I’ve begun the long process of adding in some of my old posts from previous iterations of this site. …

: One month back on Wordpress It’s been about one month since I restarted my blog back on Wordpress. I say restarted rather than …

: People and blogs A few months ago I came across a blog that has been a mainstay in my RSS feeds ever since. I enjoy …

: A bad habit list I’ve a long standing interest in the power of habits and what they can help us accomplish. …

: How FoodNoms' New App Icon Boosted Download Conversion Rate by 10% I really like blog posts that give a behind the scenes for design changes. I’ve just written …

: Blogging is still a journey When I started this site, I was just a 19-year-old looking to have fun on the internet. After all …

: Multi-layered calendars This is a fascinating read that presents the idea that calendars should be multi layered. We tend to …

: Back on Wordpress Back on Wordpress. It’s been a few years and many attempts to revitalise my blog, but I’ve decided …

: Editing memories I’ve been looking at some of the things Google announced this week. Whilst some of the things are …

: Adding tags This post was written when this blog was based on Jekyll before I moved back to Wordpress. I have …

: Hobbies, blogs, writing, iPads, and Macs For the last few years 99% of my personal computing has been handled on the iPad Pro. For the most …

: Blank page paralysis I’ve been feeling the desire to create more since the start of the year. I’m not sure if it’s just …

: The internet needs a follow button… Over the last few weeks I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about social media and the open (indie) …

: A spade is a spade, let’s call things by what they are The last few years has seen the prolific rise of the content creator the people who create content …

: Experimenting with Craft for my note making For the best part of the last year I’ve been all in on Obsidian for my note taking. I’ve enjoyed …

: A personal update We’re a week into July now and my decision to write some personal objectives for the quarter to go …

: Having a culture of writing at work Chris Hannah with an interesting post about writing at work. I go through phases at work where I …

: The missing link This post was written when this blog was based on Jekyll before I moved back to WordPress. I have …

: Work, Family, Scene - Pick two Life is about tradeoffs. When we know what to say no to, and we know why, we can say yes with …

: Any day can be Blue Monday Today, the third Monday of January, is commonly referred to as Blue Monday. It’s considered to be …

: Keep it simple… Part of my approach to the new year involved rediscovering one of my habits. I’ve been trying …

: My time for work playlist Over the years I’ve developed a few strategies to help get me in to the right frame of mind to …

: I want my hobby back One thing I want to do more of this year it to write. Back when I started blogging in 2005 or 2006 I …